
Campus Ministry
Come join us at Colorado State University and Front Range Community College.
Our goal is to help each person grow in Christ from where they are at. We meet every Tuesday at 6:30pm and Wednesday at noon for Bible Talks @CSU’s campus and every Friday for a fun time together.
Contact: Cordell Ridings and Makaela McCune | Follow us on IG at ao.noco

Yo Pro Ministry
We strive to integrate our lives together with others as we become like Christ.
Join us for bi-monthly devotionals and activities to build strong relationships with Jesus and with each other.
Contact: Jimmy and Stephanie Preciado | Follow us on IG at focoyopros

Youth and Family Ministries
We offer multi-generational small groups for families and mature disciples plus multiple monthly teen-oriented activities.
“I will establish my covenant as an everlasting covenant between me and you and your descendants after you for the generations to come, to be your God and the God of your descendants after you.” - Genesis 17:7
Contact: Mike and Jody May | Follow us on IG at focochristianchurch